Liquid Membrane Waterproofing
Liquid Waterproofing Membrane Systems can be used in all areas of roofing, planters, sunken areas, landscapes, pedestrian areas, car parks and structural waterproofing. LAM's are preferred products for corrugated roofing sheets and especially in projects where heating is not allowed like Refineries etc.
Waterproofing with liquid membranes is gaining popularity and have considerable benefits over traditionally used pre-formed membrane systems:–
- Ease of application / User friendly
- It is a fully bonded system, thus ensures greater security against infiltration or damages to liquid membrane
- Monolithic system i.e. without joints.
- They can be installed easily on any contour surface.
- Easily Repairable
- Environment Friendly
- Exhibits good waterproofing and elasticity
- Weather / Ageing
1. Cement Waterproofing:
In this, A thick layer of cement is laid over the terrace to protect the water from entering the structure and damaging it.
2. Liquid Waterproofing:
Liquid Waterproofing is another efficient way to protect your terrace from water entering the surface. LAMs or Liquid applied membranes are applied over the surface to protect it. LAMs are rigid and easy to apply membranes with high tensile strength.
3. Preformed Waterproofing:
In this, a blend of bitumen and silicone polymer is chemically bonded and forms a web. This web is cut and shaped into a sheet-like structure, and these sheets are laid over the surface to prevent moisture, water, rain, and humid climate.
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